shell and tube with staggered baffles, Paper Validation

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  • The problem numerically simulates the shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • We mesh the model with ANSYS Meshing software, and the element number equals 8031342.
  • This simulation is validated with a reference article.
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shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles, Paper Numerical Validation, CFD SImulation by ANSYS Fluent

The present problem simulates the water flow inside a shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles by ANSYS Fluent software.

The simulation is based on a reference article, “Numerical analysis and optimization on the shell-side performance of shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles,” and its results are compared and validated with the results in the article.

The geometry is designed in Design Modeler and consists of several hot tubes and staggered baffles and is meshed in ANSYS meshing software. The mesh type used for this geometry is unstructured, and the element number is 8031842.

Staggered Baffles Methodology

In this project, the water with temperature-dependent properties will enter the computational domain with an initial temperature of 293K and a velocity of 3.19m/s (referring to 4kg/s mass flow rate) and passes through staggered baffles and over the heated tubes with a temperature equal to 353K.

Staggered Baffles Conclusion

At the end of this simulation, the present work results are compared and validated with results obtained by the paper. The diagram of Figure 18 was used for this purpose, which shows the changes in pressure drop over different mass flow rates for different staggered angles (beta).

We have also validated the results for beta angle=60 degrees and mass flow rate = 4 Kg/s.

  Paper’s results CFD results error
Pressure drop 200000 Pa 189384.758 5.3%


  1. Avatar Of Dianna Orn

    Dianna Orn

    The simulated model results in a pressure drop with a 5.3% error compared to the validation paper’s results. This level of agreement seems really satisfactory, but was there any specific strategy applied in the simulation to minimize the error more?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      We are glad to learn that you acknowledge the level of agreement between the simulation and the validation paper’s results. To further reduce the error margin, strategies such as refining the mesh around critical areas, employing higher-order discretization schemes, or using more accurate physical models for properties like turbulence and heat transfer might be used. Every simulation has its inherent limitations, but we aim to balance accuracy with computational efficiency.

  2. Avatar Of Elisabeth Parker

    Elisabeth Parker

    This was an enlightening review of the CFD Simulation by ANSYS Fluent. The validation against the paper’s provided metrics such as pressure drop offers credibility to the simulation and contributes to the reliability of the computational work.

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      We are glad to hear that you found the simulation and its validation process against the reference paper insightful and reliable. Thank you for your positive feedback!

  3. Avatar Of Dr. Norene Runolfsson Iii

    Dr. Norene Runolfsson III

    I’m really impressed with how closely the simulation results match with the paper’s data. Great job on achieving such a low error rate!

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your feedback! We’re delighted that our simulation was able to provide results with a high level of accuracy. It’s our goal to provide reliable and precise simulations, and we’re glad you’re satisfied with the results.

  4. Avatar Of Mateo Adams Iii

    Mateo Adams III

    Very happy with the MR CFD Company’s learning product! The shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles simulation matched the details from the research paper quite closely. Well done on achieving an error margin of just 5.3% on the pressure drop validation!

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your feedback and positive review! We are thrilled to hear that our learning product met your expectations, and you’re satisfied with the accuracy of our CFD simulation results. We always strive for precision and are glad that our efforts have been recognized. If you need any further assistance or have more questions, feel free to reach out. Thank you for choosing MR CFD for your learning experience!

  5. Avatar Of Osborne Steuber

    Osborne Steuber

    The project’s thorough comparison with the paper is very reassuring as it shows a close match in the pressure drop results. Just curious, how does the slight error impact the overall effectiveness of the heat exchanger in the simulation compared to the paper?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      The slight error of 5.3% in the pressure drop is within an acceptable range for CFD simulations, which often aim for an error margin below 10%. The small deviation implies that the overall effectiveness of the heat exchanger remains accurate, providing similar performance characteristics to the published study. Discrepancies can be attributed to model simplifications, numerical schemes, or slight variations in property definitions. Nevertheless, the simulation is highly representative and valid for design and optimization purposes.

  6. Avatar Of Merritt Kshlerin

    Merritt Kshlerin

    The validation diagram for beta angle=60 degrees and mass flow rate of 4 Kg/s is insightful. Could you clarify if similar validations were performed for other angles and flow rates?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Certainly! Besides the mentioned beta angle of 60 degrees and a mass flow rate of 4 Kg/s, similar validations against the reference paper’s data would typically be performed for a range of angles and flow rates to confirm the robustness of the simulation across different configurations. Such additional validations ensure the accuracy of the CFD model for diverse conditions observed in heat exchanger operations.

  7. Avatar Of Dulce Hickle

    Dulce Hickle

    I’ve been impressed with the accuracy reported by MR CFD’s validation of the shell and tube heat exchanger simulation. It’s encouraging to see such a low error margin between their results and the referred paper’s findings.

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your kind feedback! At MR CFD, we strive for precision and are glad to hear that the accuracy of our simulation met your expectations. We appreciate your recognition and support.

  8. Avatar Of Meggie Wuckert

    Meggie Wuckert

    I really appreciate how detailed simulations can be tested against real-world data with this shell and tube heat exchanger model. The 5.3% error margin seems acceptable for complex CFD simulations like this. Kudos to the team for replicating a study so accurately!

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your kind words! We’re thrilled to hear that the validation of the simulation against the referenced paper’s findings has met your expectations. Accuracy is paramount in CFD analysis, and we strive to provide reliable simulations. Your feedback is greatly valued!

  9. Avatar Of Dr. Maxwell Kulas

    Dr. Maxwell Kulas

    I’m really impressed by the accuracy of the simulation compared to the reference paper! How critical do you think are temperature-dependent properties in achieving such validation success?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Using temperature-dependent properties for fluids in heat exchanger simulations is critical for accuracy. It ensures that the fluid’s behavior such as density, viscosity, and heat capacity change accurately with temperature, which affects the flow and heat transfer characteristics, resulting in simulation outcomes that closely mirror empirical data.

  10. Avatar Of Hayden O'Kon

    Hayden O’Kon

    I was thoroughly impressed with the shell and tube heat exchanger simulation and its validation with the reference paper. The CFD results showcasing only a 5.3% error in pressure drop is particularly commendable, demonstrating the reliability of the methods used in the simulation and the prowess of ANSYS Fluent.

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your appreciation. We are delighted to hear that you found the validation process of our shell and tube heat exchanger simulation to be reliable and accurate. Our team works diligently to ensure our simulations are as thorough and precise as possible, and feedback like yours reassures us that we are on the right track. Thanks again for your support!

  11. Avatar Of Prof. Eugenia Krajcik

    Prof. Eugenia Krajcik

    Totally impressed with the accuracy of the validation process compared to the reference article’s data. The low error rate is a testimony to the sophistication and reliability of your simulation! Great job!

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      We’re thrilled to hear that our simulation met your expectations and that you found the validation process accurate! Ensuring the reliability of our CFD studies is paramount to us, and your feedback is greatly valued. Thank you for your kind words!

  12. Avatar Of Ms. Alva Johns

    Ms. Alva Johns

    I’m thoroughly impressed with the level of detail and accuracy in replicating the shell and tube heat exchanger studies from the reference paper. The comparison of pressure drop and validation against original metrics provides huge confidence in the CFD model.

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your positive feedback! We strive to ensure that our simulations are as accurate and reliable as possible, and it’s gratifying to see that our efforts in validating the data has not gone unnoticed. Your review is much appreciated!

  13. Avatar Of Elroy Orn

    Elroy Orn

    The level of detail and accuracy described in validating the CFD results with those from the reference paper is impressive! It’s crucial for the scientific community to have credible simulations like this one.

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your kind words! We take great pride in ensuring our simulations are as accurate and credible as possible. We’re glad you appreciate the careful validation against the published paper. If you have any more feedback or need further information, feel free to reach out to us.

  14. Avatar Of Ava Bahringer

    Ava Bahringer

    I’m really impressed with the accuracy of your CFD results compared to the paper! Your error margin is quite small. Were there any challenges you faced in trying to replicate the paper’s methodology in your simulation?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your positive feedback on our CFD simulation. We endeavored to replicate the paper’s methodology as closely as possible by carefully setting up the same boundary conditions, material properties, and operating conditions. One challenge was ensuring the quality and refinement of the mesh to accurately capture the complex flow pattern caused by the staggered baffles. Achieving convergence with such a dense mesh also required careful selection of solver settings and an iterative approach to adjust the computational model. However, with rigorous validation processes and quality controls, we were able to overcome these challenges and provide results with a minimal error margin, which we’re delighted you’ve recognized!

  15. Avatar Of Melyna Howell

    Melyna Howell

    This CFD simulation captures some very precise details. The small difference in pressure drop when compared to the paper by only 5.3% is quite impressive!

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for recognizing the accuracy and precision of the simulation results. We strive to make our products as reliable and valid as possible. Your satisfaction with the fidelity of our simulation is greatly appreciated!

  16. Avatar Of Forest Labadie

    Forest Labadie

    I was really impressed by how closely the CFD simulation results matched the reference paper’s data, especially considering the complexity of simulating water flow in a shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles. The small error margin in pressure drop validation is commendable!

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you so much for your kind words! We strive for precision and accuracy in our CFD simulations, and it’s incredibly rewarding to hear that our efforts are reflected in the results. We’re thrilled that our product has met your expectations.

  17. Avatar Of Prof. Alize Metz

    Prof. Alize Metz

    I really appreciate the detailed explanation provided in the simulation for understanding how staggered baffles impact the heat exchanger’s performance. It’s great to see the validation against published research offering confidence in the accuracy of the CFD results. Well done!

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your kind words! We’re thrilled to hear our simulation of the shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles met your expectations and provided validated and accurate results. It’s always our aim to deliver high-quality simulations that are both educational and reliable. We appreciate your feedback!

  18. Avatar Of Ms. Michelle Schamberger Phd

    Ms. Michelle Schamberger PhD

    What steps can be taken to reduce the error observed in the CFD results when compared to the paper’s results?

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      To reduce the error in CFD simulation results, consider refining the mesh around critical areas, improving the fidelity of the turbulence model, validating the boundary conditions and material properties, or utilizing more computationally intensive solvers to capture the complex flow patterns more accurately.

  19. Avatar Of Lamar Sanford

    Lamar Sanford

    I’m impressed by the detailed validation process and accuracy achieved in the CFD results against the paper’s findings.

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for your kind words! We strive to provide accurate and detailed simulations to ensure customer satisfaction and a deeper understanding of the systems in question. We’re thrilled to hear that you appreciate the effort involved in our validation process.

  20. Avatar Of Eladio Wiegand

    Eladio Wiegand

    Thank you for the well-structured CFD simulation and the numerical validation of the state-of-the-art baffled heat exchanger design. Impressive accuracy with error minimization in pressure drop calculations — proving the credibility of your simulation approach compared to the paper’s benchmark.

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      We’re thrilled to hear that you found the simulation and validation of our shell and tube heat exchanger with staggered baffles to be accurate and credible. Thank you for recognizing the effort put into ensuring the simulation’s quality. Your satisfaction is our main goal!

  21. Avatar Of Lucienne Krajcik

    Lucienne Krajcik

    I am impressed with the accuracy of the simulation results compared to the paper’s findings. Well done on validating the pressure drop with such precision!

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you for recognizing the efforts put into the simulation and validation process. We strive to deliver quality and accurate CFD analysis, and we are pleased to hear that you found our results impressive.

  22. Avatar Of Jarrell Windler

    Jarrell Windler

    This product did a fantastic job illustrating the complex flow within the shell and tube heat exchanger and the effects of staggered baffles on the pressure drop! The accompanying validation with the research paper instills confidence in the simulation accuracy and results.

    • Avatar Of Mr Cfd Support

      MR CFD Support

      Thank you so much for your kind words and for acknowledging the effort put into accurate simulations and validations. We are pleased to hear that our product met your expectations and provided you with valuable insights.

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