
UDF Application for Pulsatile Blood Flow modeling by ANSYS Fluent: Training Package, 7 CFD Simulations

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  • Learn pulsatile blood flow simulation using ANSYS Fluent.
  • Explore non-Newtonian blood modeling in arteries and veins.
  • Simulate arterial bifurcation and coronary blood flow dynamics.
  • Analyze stent performance and vessel wall interactions with FSI.
  • Validate simulations with numerical and experimental studies.
  • Master CFD techniques for biomedical engineering applications.
Click on Add To Cart and obtain the Geometry file, Mesh file, and a Comprehensive ANSYS Fluent Training Video.

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Pulsatile Blood Flow in Arterial Bifurcation Simulation, ANSYS Fluent Training

  • The problem numerically simulates the Pulsatile Blood Flow in Arterial Bifurcation using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • We mesh the model with ANSYS Meshing software, and the element number equals 168367.
  • We perform this simulation as unsteady (Transient).
  • We use a UDF to define pulsatile velocity as a sinus function.

Non Newtonian Blood Pulse Flow in a Vein, ANSYS Fluent CFD Training

  • The problem numerically simulates Non-Newtonian Blood Pulse Flow in a Vein using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model by the Design Modeler software.
  • We Mesh the model by ANSYS Meshing software, and the element number equals 397388.
  • We perform this simulation as unsteady (Transient).
  • We use a UDF to define the pulse of the blood flow.
  • The Carreau Equation is used for viscosity definition to consider non-newtonian blood.

Arterial Stent CFD Simulation, ANSYS Fluent

  • The problem numerically simulates Arterial Stent using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model by the Spaceclaim software.
  • We Mesh the model by ANSYS Meshing software, and the element number equals 220,000 and 250,000 for the Stenosis and stented artery respectively .
  • We use a UDF to define pulsatile blood flow.
  • The Eulerian multiphase model was enabled to distinguish between the blood and arterial wall interfaces.

Aorta, Non-Newtonian pulsating blood flow

  • The problem numerically simulates a non-Newtonian pulsating blood flow in Aorta using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model with the Design Modeler software.
  • We mesh the model with ICEM software, and the element number equals 457864.
  • We perform this simulation as unsteady (Transient).
  • We use a UDF to define the pulsating inlet velocity to Aorta.
  • We use the Carreau model to define a non-Newtonian fluid.

Blood Vessel (FSI) with the Pulse Velocity, CFD Simulation Ansys Fluent Training

In this project, a Blood Vessel (FSI) with Pulse Velocity has been simulated and the results of this simulation have been investigated.

Blood Flow in a Coronary Bifurcation, Paper Numerical Validation, ANSYS Fluent

In this project, The effects of non-Newtonian blood, compliant walls, and different bifurcation angles on hemodynamic flow characteristics were evaluated, and the results of this simulation have been investigated.

Lumen Blood Vessel (FSI & Non-Newtonian), CFD Simulation Ansys Fluent Training

  • The problem numerically simulates Lumen Blood Vessel using ANSYS Fluent software.
  • We design the 3-D model by the Spaceclaim software.
  • We Mesh the model by ANSYS Meshing software, and the element number equals 356794.
  • We perform this simulation as unsteady (Transient).
  • We use the fluid-solid interaction (FSI) module to consider wall displacement.
  • We use a UDF to define pulse velocity inlet and pulse pressure outlet.
  • We use the Carreau model to define the blood as a Non-Newtonian fluid.

Special Offers For All Products

If you need the Geometry designing and Mesh generation training video for all the products, you can choose this option.
The journal file in ANSYS Fluent is used to record and automate simulations for repeatability and batch processing.
Editable geometry and mesh allows users to create and modify geometry and mesh to define the computational domain for simulations.
The case and data files in ANSYS Fluent store the simulation setup and results, respectively, for analysis and post-processing.
Geometry, Mesh, and CFD Simulation methodologygy explanation, result analysis and conclusion
If you want training in any language other than English, we can provide you with a subtitled video in your language.

Special Offers For Single Product

If you need the Geometry designing and Mesh generation training video for one product, you can choose this option.
If you need expert consultation through the training video, this option gives you 1-hour technical support.
The journal file in ANSYS Fluent is used to record and automate simulations for repeatability and batch processing.
editable geometry and mesh allows users to create and modify geometry and mesh to define the computational domain for simulations.
The case and data files in ANSYS Fluent store the simulation setup and results, respectively, for analysis and post-processing.
Geometry, Mesh, and CFD Simulation methodologygy explanation, result analysis and conclusion
The MR CFD certification can be a valuable addition to a student resume, and passing the interactive test can demonstrate a strong understanding of CFD simulation principles and techniques related to this product.
Enhancing Your Project: Comprehensive Consultation and Optimization Services
Collaborative Development of a Conference Paper on Cutting-Edge Topics with MR CFD
Collaborative Publication Opportunity: Contribute to an ISI Article and Get Featured in Scopus and JCR-Indexed Journals
If you want training in any language other than English, we can provide you with a subtitled video in your language.



Pulsatile Blood Flow ANSYS Fluent Training Package

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) plays a crucial role in understanding cardiovascular hemodynamics. This training package provides in-depth simulations of pulsatile blood flow (UDF Application) in arteries and veins using ANSYS Fluent, incorporating non-Newtonian models, Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI), and real-world validation cases.

Why Take This Course?

Pulsatile blood flow is a complex phenomenon influenced by vessel geometry, wall elasticity, and blood rheology. Mastering its simulation allows engineers and researchers to analyze diseases, optimize medical devices, and improve treatment strategies.

What You’ll Learn

Non-Newtonian Pulsatile Flow in Blood Vessels

Understanding blood rheology is essential for accurate simulations. This course covers:

Arterial Bifurcation and Coronary Flow Dynamics

Simulating bifurcation and coronary arteries is critical for cardiovascular studies:

  • Modeling hemodynamic parameters at bifurcations.
  • Investigating coronary blood flow for disease analysis.

Arterial Stent and Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI)

Medical implants like stents influence blood flow and vessel mechanics:

This course is ideal for biomedical engineers, CFD analysts, and researchers aiming to refine their skills in cardiovascular flow modeling with ANSYS Fluent


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